Friday, November 2, 2012

Jobs Are Growing, Not Stagnating

This article has stated that jobs are growing under Obama's leadership. The unemployment rate dropped by three-tenths of a percentage point to dip below 8 percent for the first time in 43 months. Although the current trend is promising, it is still not going to solve the unemployment problem. Romney has promised to create 12 million jobs. Would you prefer slow recovery under Obama plan or try something new with Romney's plan?


  1. This article is absolutely scathing towards the Republicans, especially in Congress. He basically says that Obama has been doing and trying all the right things, but that the Republicans would rather see the country fail with Obama in office than to see it succeed. I believe Romney wants to be the new Reagan, and that if elected he will put our country back thirty years at a time when our society is extremely fragile. Calling the Republicans the opposition party is perhaps too charitable, obstinate party would probably be more accurate.

  2. This article came from a very extreme point of view when it said that the Republican party is trying to do everything they can to hold the economy back while President Obama is in office. If you ask me too many politicians in congress vote with the side of their party just because it is their party, and winning the majority is looked at like a popularity contest rather than doing what is best for the country. I think the steady increase of jobs that we have seen lately under the Obama administration is a good thing and that we should keep building back bit by bit. Mr. Romney says he wants to create new jobs however he personally has sent jobs to china (not a good track record) and doesn't seem to have a very solid plan in regard to new job creation.

  3. I agree with both Beth and Karl, extreme point of view towards the Republicans. I think that an increase in job growth is always a good thing, but the fact that the unemployment issue still exists scares me. Romney does claim he will be creating new jobs if elected, and help the unemployment issue, but I am concerned with these claims. Under Obama, things are getting better, slowly, but if Romney's claims are true we could be better off. Should we take his word for it?
