Thursday, October 4, 2012

October 3rd DEBATE

This is not my week to blog, but I am really interested in hearing what everyone thought about the debate last night.  Here is clip talking specifically about Medicare regulation. How do you think the candidates presented their arguments? Anything in particular strike you about the debate?


  1. My first reaction to this video was that Romney just said "716 billion dollars" four times within the first 35 seconds. This seems repetitive and like its just filler time. I definitely don't like the idea of seniors having to pay a co-pay for routine check-ups. This will only cause more money to be wasted in the long run when people get sick and it is not caught early enough or could have easily been prevented. I'm still a bit confused as to how Romney proposes that private insurance will be more cost effective even though there will be profit being made. This simply doesn't make sense to me; do they have some super medical insurance secrets that they are hiding from medicare?
    I do agree with Romney when he says that there is too much regulation in regards to "too big to fail" banks. The economy can not function properly if systems that are poorly functioning and outdated are kept in place.

  2. Yes, Beth is right with the repetitive "716 billion dollars" but he get his point across? But because you specifically remember that amount of money throughout the entire video. I think it was a tactic to get into the minds of people watching and listening. I really like this idea of being able to choose, because I do agree with Romney, I would like to choose my Health Insurance, and if I do not like them I'd like to be able to change it. Do I think there are loop holes? yes. I hope that all these claims both the Presidential candidates are making are absolutely true, but like I said, how do we really know? We have to trust them. As I was telling my Dad last night on the phone, discussing the debate, and I love him but he is very closed minded when it comes to politics, that there will always be someone who is not happy. Someone will always loose out, and this point is to counter Obama’s claim about the 54-55 year old people on medicare, and how Romney’s plan will affect them. Okay, that stinks but if the rest of the population is gaining benefits from this, why not do it if it’s for the better of the majority of society.
