Monday, October 13, 2014

Income Inequality and Healthcare

I had not thought about the impact that health care costs might have on inequality. Price transparencies could reduce inequality because it forces more competition. Company A wouldn't be able to hide their prices. Employers would now be able to understand what they are actually paying for in the plan.

Do you think that Healthcare reform would help reduce wealth inequality? If so, what type of health care would create the most reduction?
Is it possible that income inequality is always going to exist and changing policies would not be a solution?
Do you think that Healthcare does not impact inequality in the United States?


  1. I think that because we live in a capitalist system, some sort of income inequality is inevitable. In making healthcare more accessible for everyone, you increase the potential for upward mobility because people will be healthier and more likely to afford coverage. However, healthcare alone will not be able to substantially reduce wealth inequality. If anything is going to have a substantial effect on reducing wealth inequality, it is greater access to higher education. I think that higher education will increase the potential far more upward mobility than healthcare reform.

  2. I agree with TJ that more price transparency would be desirable for a number of reasons. However, I feel like there are high costs in the health care system for a variety of more structural reasons. There are supply limitations in everything from health care professionals to drug monopolies, and health care is heavily subsidized. Unless some of those sources change, I think the impact we can have on health care costs will be limited.
