Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Disaster Risk Management in the Arab World is Critical and Cost Effective

http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2013/11/17/disaster-risk-management-in-the-arab-world-is-critical-and-cost-effective Do you see parallels to the class reading activities? From a global economic perspective, there are regions normally considered macro economies with much higher concentrations of certain risks than others similarly to the dynamics on the micro scale in a way. How to distribute the burden?


  1. I doubt how many low risk countries would agree to this idea. What's in it for them economically speaking?

  2. "The report focuses on the need to shift from disaster response to proactive risk management" The problem with managing the risk of disaster is you are never quiet certain of what to expect and what will happen. I think Gift mentioned something about this in his presentation 10th week.
