Friday, September 27, 2013

Recovery on its way, or just a load of hype?

Richard Wolff is a prominent figure in Economics, particularly in the field largely dubbed "heterodox economics." Today he took US institutions to task on their soft claims of steady recovery:

In his article, Prof. Wolff referenced a comprehensive article in the usually conservative WSJ, which had pointed out the stagnation facing much of Main Street America.

What does everyone else think? Is Wolff just an old semi-closet Marxist fogey, or is has he pinpointed some serious flaws in our current economic system and the attitude surrounding it?

1 comment:

  1. Good article. You can't fool all of the people all of the time. The capitalist pioneer protestant American dream has become the American nightmare for millions of people who have lost their jobs and lost their homes. The sad thing here is that we have not learned from history. It seems that we never learn from history, well we are learning now, and people are seeing through the lies, they are angry and more politically active.
