Monday, November 17, 2014

National Guard Called into Ferguson

What do you think? Preemptive or just precautionary? Could this make the potential conflict following the grand jury's decision worse?


  1. As I think more about it, and from the rhetoric used in the article, it seems as if the general logic behind the national guard strategy is to deter any threat of violence by a show of force. Unfortunately, this issue is extremely controversial as many people argue that it is infringement upon our rights to be policed by our own military. In this case specifically, it does seem a little excessive to need the National Guard, although using them may be the safest way to navigate this situation.

  2. I think although it is unfortunate that the national guard is needed to control protesters, I think this is a smart move. In the likely event that there is no indictment, I think there will be violence, regardless of the national guard being there or not. I think having the national guard there will lessen any damage that may occur.

  3. With something as controversial as Ferguson, there are bound to be angry protesters. In which case, it would take little to rial the tension and cause violence. Although the need for the National Guard may seem excessive, it makes sense to take precaution. As long as they are there to protect public safety and don't act unless violence occurs, I think that it is smart to have them there. All in all, I think it's great people express their First Amendment rights, but it can be done so in a way that's nonviolent. The National Guard could ensure that.

  4. I believe that calling in the National Guard was simply a precautionary move. I think that with as much publicity as this case has gotten and the history of protests, calling in the Guard is a smart decision. Calling the National Guard does not mean that the decision from the jury is tainted in any way, I think that they are there more as a deterrent to violence.
